We have an exclusive Boxing Day offer just for you! For a limited time only, we are offering a fantastic deal on our monthly memberships.
Exciting News! We are thrilled to offer a 10% discount on our 6-month rolling gold, silver or blue memberships when purchased online. This special offer is available for anyone who holds a Blue Light Card or those who work for a Blue Light company. Please bring your Blue Light Card or proof of employment to reception on your first visit to verify your discount. Once verified you’ll enjoy access to our gym, swimming pool, fitness classes, and more, depending on your membership type. If you or any members of your team should have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us know by either calling our reception team on 01209 714766 option 1 or by emailing [email protected] We look forward to welcoming you to the centre.
Thank you for helping us celebrate our 50th Anniversary!
Join us for a day of activities! Activities to include: indoor archery, racquet games, football, zorbs and much more...
Two members from Carn Brea Leisure Centre Trust, in Pool, are celebrating after getting through to the national finals of an extreme fitness competition.
To discuss membership or book a tour please complete the form below and we will call you back at your convenience.