We have an exclusive Boxing Day offer just for you! For a limited time only, we are offering a fantastic deal on our monthly memberships.
Sign up online between the 26th & 31st of December to enjoy 20% off your first month's membership when you commit to a 6-month minimum contract.
To take advantage of this promotion, simply visit our website at https://carnbrealc.gladstonego.cloud/en_GB/memberships and use the code "BOXINGDAY24" during the sign-up process.
By applying this code, you'll automatically receive a 20% discount on your first month's membership fee when you choose our 6-month minimum contract.
Remember, this offer is exclusively available online and only during the specified period – December 26th and the 31st of December 2023.
Join us today and let Carn Brea be your partner on your fitness journey.
T&C's apply:
This offer is applicable for monthly contracted memberships only.
Offer is only available online.
Membership payments are non-refundable and non-transferable
To discuss membership or book a tour please complete the form below and we will call you back at your convenience.